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Week 9

 Welcome to Week 9!

December 7-11

If you need any help, be sure to email me at

Be sure to scroll down to see the math work everyday.


The next two weeks will be learning about parodies and learning to write your own. So make sure you have some space to work!



A parody is a humorous version of any well-known writing.

Example: Your little sister puts on your father's big shoes and stomps around in them, saying, "I need to make a business call. I am a very busy, very important businessman!"

A parody could be about a song, story, book, fairy-tale, or movie.

Watch this video of "eBay" which is a parody of "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys

Click HERE for your assignment.


If you've ever heard of Weird Al Yankovic, you've heard the king of parodies. Weird Al has made a career out of parodies. All of his songs that you may find, are him making parodies on top of famous song tracks.

Watch this video of Weird Al doing a Star Wars Parody on top of the song American Pie. 

Click HERE for your assignment.


Parodies make fun of another work by imitating some aspect of it. Parody is meant for mocking and does not contain anything serious. It is pure entertainment and nothing else. It does not intend to bring about societal change. Parody can make fun of literature, film, advertising, popular culture, etc.

Often, parodies come in the form of videos. Watch this one about Wii Fit!

Click HERE for your assignment.


Read the story below (there's a video below it all of me reading it out loud).

Watch the video of me reading this story.

Watch the video of the actual fairytale below.

Click HERE to complete the assignment.


Language Conventions: Verbs to replace SAID

When Vivian Vande Velde writes dialogue, she uses many different verbs to replace the verb said, for example, "'Oh my!' the princess gasped."

Use a piece of paper and write down ALL the verbs that Vivian uses in place of "said". Then click HERE to complete the assignment.


Reread the teacher's notes HERE.

Watch this video before beginning the week's lessons.

